Fool vit dans le ghetto de Los Angeles. Lorsque sa famille est à bout de misère, il se laisse convaincre par deux de ses amis de cambrioler une maison où nul n'ose plus s'aventurer depuis des années. La nuit, des soupirs et des gémissements s'en echappent, et un couple démoniaque en garde l'entrée. Fool parvient à s'introduire dans la maison, où il va vivre la plus terrifiante des expériences.
Réalisateur(s) : Wes Craven
Scénariste(s) : Wes Craven (written by)
Genre(s) : Comedy,Horror,Mystery
Durée : 1 h 42 minAnnée : 1991Pays : United StatesCouleur : ColorRatio : 1.85 : 1Sortie France : 1992-01-15Sortie US : 1991-11-01Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - The People Under the Stairs
Argentina - La gente detrás de las paredes
Australia - The People Under the Stairs
Brazil - As Criaturas Atrás das Paredes
Bulgaria - Хора под стъпалата(Bulgarian)
Canada - The People Under the Stairs
Canada - Le sous-sol de la peur
Croatia - Ljudi ispod stuba
Czech Republic - Lidé pod schody
Denmark - Rædslernes hus
Ecuador - The People Under the Stairs
Finland - Kellariväkeä
Finland - Källarfolket
France - Le Sous-sol de la peur
Germany - Das Haus der Vergessenen
Greece - Oi anthropoi kato apo tis skales
Greece - Οι άνθρωποι κάτω από τις σκάλες
Hong Kong - 奪命凶宅
Hungary - Rémségek háza
India - The People Under the Stairs
Italy - La casa nera
Japan - 壁の中に誰かがいる
Lithuania - Žmonės po laiptais
Mexico - La gente detrás de las paredes
Mexico - Prisioneros del destino
Netherlands - De mensen onder de trap
Poland - W mroku pod schodami
Portugal - Os Prisioneiros da Cave
Russia - Люди под лестницей
Singapore - The People Under the Stairs
South Africa - The People Under the Stairs
Spain - El sótano del miedo
Sweden - Ondskans hus
Taiwan - 餓鬼之家
Turkey - Merdiven Altındakiler
Ukraine - Люди під сходами
United Kingdom - The People Under the Stairs
United States - The People Under the Stairs
United States - Wes Craven's the People Under the Stairs
United States - La gente detrás de las paredes
Venezuela - El sótano del terror
(original title) - The People Under the Stairs
Argentina - La gente detrás de las paredes
Australia - The People Under the Stairs
Brazil - As Criaturas Atrás das Paredes
Bulgaria - Хора под стъпалата(Bulgarian)
Canada - The People Under the Stairs
Canada - Le sous-sol de la peur
Croatia - Ljudi ispod stuba
Czech Republic - Lidé pod schody
Denmark - Rædslernes hus
Ecuador - The People Under the Stairs
Finland - Kellariväkeä
Finland - Källarfolket
France - Le Sous-sol de la peur
Germany - Das Haus der Vergessenen
Greece - Oi anthropoi kato apo tis skales
Greece - Οι άνθρωποι κάτω από τις σκάλες
Hong Kong - 奪命凶宅
Hungary - Rémségek háza
India - The People Under the Stairs
Italy - La casa nera
Japan - 壁の中に誰かがいる
Lithuania - Žmonės po laiptais
Mexico - La gente detrás de las paredes
Mexico - Prisioneros del destino
Netherlands - De mensen onder de trap
Poland - W mroku pod schodami
Portugal - Os Prisioneiros da Cave
Russia - Люди под лестницей
Singapore - The People Under the Stairs
South Africa - The People Under the Stairs
Spain - El sótano del miedo
Sweden - Ondskans hus
Taiwan - 餓鬼之家
Turkey - Merdiven Altındakiler
Ukraine - Люди під сходами
United Kingdom - The People Under the Stairs
United States - The People Under the Stairs
United States - Wes Craven's the People Under the Stairs
United States - La gente detrás de las paredes
Venezuela - El sótano del terror
Acteurs :
Brandon Quintin Adams Fool (as Brandon Adams)
Everett McGill Man
Wendy Robie Woman
AJ Langer Alice
Ving Rhames Leroy
Sean Whalen Roach
Bill Cobbs Grandpa Booker
Kelly Jo Minter Ruby Williams
Jeremy Roberts Spenser
Conni Marie Brazelton Mary
Josh Coxx Young Cop (as Joshua Cox)
John Hostetter Veteran Cop
John Mahon Police Sergeant
Teresa Velarde Social Worker
George R Parker Attic Cop
Yan Birch Stairmaster
Wayne Daniels Stairperson 1
Michael Kopelow Stairperson 2
Brutus Prince the Dog
Bubba Prince the Dog
Schultz Prince the Dog
Zeke Prince the Dog
Nic Cramer Person Under the Stairs (uncredited)
Jon Kinney Drug Addict #1 (uncredited)
Danny Kopel Drive-by Biker (uncredited)
David Robinson Person Under the Stairs (uncredited)
Brandon Quintin Adams Fool (as Brandon Adams)
Everett McGill Man
Wendy Robie Woman
AJ Langer Alice
Ving Rhames Leroy
Sean Whalen Roach
Bill Cobbs Grandpa Booker
Kelly Jo Minter Ruby Williams
Jeremy Roberts Spenser
Conni Marie Brazelton Mary
Josh Coxx Young Cop (as Joshua Cox)
John Hostetter Veteran Cop
John Mahon Police Sergeant
Teresa Velarde Social Worker
George R Parker Attic Cop
Yan Birch Stairmaster
Wayne Daniels Stairperson 1
Michael Kopelow Stairperson 2
Brutus Prince the Dog
Bubba Prince the Dog
Schultz Prince the Dog
Zeke Prince the Dog
Nic Cramer Person Under the Stairs (uncredited)
Jon Kinney Drug Addict #1 (uncredited)
Danny Kopel Drive-by Biker (uncredited)
David Robinson Person Under the Stairs (uncredited)
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