Franck et Freddy libèrent par inadvertance un gaz toxique ramenant les morts à la vie. Ainsi pour ce débarrasser d'un cadavre réanimé, ils l'incinèrent. Malheureusement, le nuage de fumée crée une pluie qui s'abat sur un cimetière, provoquant le réveil d'autres macchabées...
Réalisateur(s) : Dan O'Bannon
Scénariste(s) : Rudy Ricci (story) &, John A Russo (story) (as John Russo) &, Russell Streiner (story), , Dan O'Bannon (screenplay)
Genre(s) : Comedy,Horror,Sci-Fi
Durée : 1 h 31 minAnnée : 1985Pays : United StatesLangue(s) : EnglishCouleur : ColorSortie France : 1985-05-15Sortie US : 1985-08-16Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - The Return of the Living Dead
Argentina - El regreso de los muertos vivientes(Alternative Title)
Argentina - El Regreso de los Muertos Vivos
Australia - The Return of the Living Dead
Brazil - A Volta dos Mortos Vivos
Brazil - O Retorno dos Mortos Vivos(cable TV title)
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if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentTop GapWhat was the official certification given to Le Retour des morts-vivants (1985) in Japan?AnswerSee more gapsLearn more about contributing
Bulgaria - Завръщането на живите мъртви
Canada - The Return of the Living Dead
Canada - Le retour des morts vivants
Croatia - Povratak zivih mrtvaca
Czech Republic - Návrat oživlých mrtvol
Czechoslovakia - Návrat ozivlých mrtvol
Czechoslovakia - Návrat zivé smrti
Denmark - Ligene er ligeglade
Ecuador - The Return of the Living Dead
Egypt - The Return of the Living Dead
Finland - Elävien kuolleiden paluu
France - Le Retour des morts-vivants
Germany - Verdammt, die Zombies kommen
Greece - Ta zombi den einai hortofaga
Greece - Τα ζόμπι δεν είναι χορτοφάγα
Hong Kong - The Return of the Living Dead
Hungary - A halál visszatér
Hungary - Az élőhalottak visszatérnek
India - The Return of the Living Dead
India - The Return of the Living Dead
Israel - The Return of the Living Dead
Italy - Il ritorno dei morti viventi
Japan - 'Batallion'
Japan - Battalion
Japan - バタリアン
Latvia - Dzīvo miroņu atgriešanās
Lithuania - Numirėlių sugrįžimas
Mexico - El regreso de los muertos vivientes
Netherlands - Ze zijn terug en hebben honger
Peru - El regreso de los muertos vivientes
Philippines - The Return of the Living Dead
Poland - Powrót żywych trupów
Portugal - O Regresso dos Mortos Vivos
Romania - Întoarcerea mortilor vii
Russia - Возвращение живых мертвецов
Serbia - Повратак живих мртваца
Singapore - The Return of the Living Dead
South Africa - The Return of the Living Dead
South Korea - The Return of the Living Dead
Soviet Union - Вoзвращение живых мертвецов
Spain - El regreso de los muertos vivientes
Sweden - The Return of the Living Dead
Taiwan - 芝加哥打鬼
Thailand - The Return of the Living Dead
Ukraine - Повернення живих мерців
United Arab Emirates - The Return of the Living Dead
United Kingdom - The Return of the Living Dead
United States - The Return of the Living Dead
United States - Return of the Living Dead
United States - El regreso de los muertos vivientes
(original title) - The Return of the Living Dead
Argentina - El regreso de los muertos vivientes(Alternative Title)
Argentina - El Regreso de los Muertos Vivos
Australia - The Return of the Living Dead
Brazil - A Volta dos Mortos Vivos
Brazil - O Retorno dos Mortos Vivos(cable TV title)
50 more
if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentTop GapWhat was the official certification given to Le Retour des morts-vivants (1985) in Japan?AnswerSee more gapsLearn more about contributing
Bulgaria - Завръщането на живите мъртви
Canada - The Return of the Living Dead
Canada - Le retour des morts vivants
Croatia - Povratak zivih mrtvaca
Czech Republic - Návrat oživlých mrtvol
Czechoslovakia - Návrat ozivlých mrtvol
Czechoslovakia - Návrat zivé smrti
Denmark - Ligene er ligeglade
Ecuador - The Return of the Living Dead
Egypt - The Return of the Living Dead
Finland - Elävien kuolleiden paluu
France - Le Retour des morts-vivants
Germany - Verdammt, die Zombies kommen
Greece - Ta zombi den einai hortofaga
Greece - Τα ζόμπι δεν είναι χορτοφάγα
Hong Kong - The Return of the Living Dead
Hungary - A halál visszatér
Hungary - Az élőhalottak visszatérnek
India - The Return of the Living Dead
India - The Return of the Living Dead
Israel - The Return of the Living Dead
Italy - Il ritorno dei morti viventi
Japan - 'Batallion'
Japan - Battalion
Japan - バタリアン
Latvia - Dzīvo miroņu atgriešanās
Lithuania - Numirėlių sugrįžimas
Mexico - El regreso de los muertos vivientes
Netherlands - Ze zijn terug en hebben honger
Peru - El regreso de los muertos vivientes
Philippines - The Return of the Living Dead
Poland - Powrót żywych trupów
Portugal - O Regresso dos Mortos Vivos
Romania - Întoarcerea mortilor vii
Russia - Возвращение живых мертвецов
Serbia - Повратак живих мртваца
Singapore - The Return of the Living Dead
South Africa - The Return of the Living Dead
South Korea - The Return of the Living Dead
Soviet Union - Вoзвращение живых мертвецов
Spain - El regreso de los muertos vivientes
Sweden - The Return of the Living Dead
Taiwan - 芝加哥打鬼
Thailand - The Return of the Living Dead
Ukraine - Повернення живих мерців
United Arab Emirates - The Return of the Living Dead
United Kingdom - The Return of the Living Dead
United States - The Return of the Living Dead
United States - Return of the Living Dead
United States - El regreso de los muertos vivientes
Acteurs :
Clu Gulager Burt
James Karen Frank
Don Calfa Ernie
Thom Mathews Freddy
Beverly Randolph Tina
John Philbin Chuck
Jewel Shepard Casey
Miguel A Núñez Jr Spider (as Miguel Nunez)
Brian Peck Scuz
Linnea Quigley Trash
Mark Venturini Suicide
Jonathan Terry Colonel Glover
Cathleen Cordell Colonel's Wife
Drew Deighan Paramedic #1
James Dalesandro Paramedic #2
John Durbin Radio Corpse #1
David Bond Radio Corpse #2
Bob Libman Tac Squad Captain
John Stuart West Riot Cop #1
Michael Crabtree Riot Cop #2
Ed Krieger Riot Cop #3
Robert Craighead Cop #1
Paul Cloud Cop #2
Derrick Brice Gunnery Sergeant
Leigh Drake Dispatcher
Terry Houlihan Yellow Cadaver (as Terrence M Houlihan)
Allan Trautman Tarman
Robert J Bennett Headless Tarman (as Robert Bennett)
Jerome Coleman Legless Corpse (as Jerome 'Daniels' Coleman)
Cherry Davis ½ Lady Corpse
Rick Askew Officer (uncredited)
Terrence Beasor Narrator (uncredited)
Leslee Bremmer (uncredited)
Jason Novak No Legged Zombie (uncredited)
Dan O'Bannon Helicopter Loudspeaker Officer /Bum Outside Warehouse (voice) (uncredited)
Larry Odien Yellow Zombie (uncredited)
William Stout Bum with Shopping Cart (uncredited)
Clu Gulager Burt
James Karen Frank
Don Calfa Ernie
Thom Mathews Freddy
Beverly Randolph Tina
John Philbin Chuck
Jewel Shepard Casey
Miguel A Núñez Jr Spider (as Miguel Nunez)
Brian Peck Scuz
Linnea Quigley Trash
Mark Venturini Suicide
Jonathan Terry Colonel Glover
Cathleen Cordell Colonel's Wife
Drew Deighan Paramedic #1
James Dalesandro Paramedic #2
John Durbin Radio Corpse #1
David Bond Radio Corpse #2
Bob Libman Tac Squad Captain
John Stuart West Riot Cop #1
Michael Crabtree Riot Cop #2
Ed Krieger Riot Cop #3
Robert Craighead Cop #1
Paul Cloud Cop #2
Derrick Brice Gunnery Sergeant
Leigh Drake Dispatcher
Terry Houlihan Yellow Cadaver (as Terrence M Houlihan)
Allan Trautman Tarman
Robert J Bennett Headless Tarman (as Robert Bennett)
Jerome Coleman Legless Corpse (as Jerome 'Daniels' Coleman)
Cherry Davis ½ Lady Corpse
Rick Askew Officer (uncredited)
Terrence Beasor Narrator (uncredited)
Leslee Bremmer (uncredited)
Jason Novak No Legged Zombie (uncredited)
Dan O'Bannon Helicopter Loudspeaker Officer /Bum Outside Warehouse (voice) (uncredited)
Larry Odien Yellow Zombie (uncredited)
William Stout Bum with Shopping Cart (uncredited)
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# 1
Un film de légende meme si il n'est pas sans défauts, a voir absolument si vous etes un vrai fan d'horreur et de zombies en particulier.
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