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Harry Potter et les Reliques de la Mort: Part II


Dans la 2e Partie de cet épisode final, le combat entre les puissances du bien et du mal de l’univers des sorciers se transforme en guerre sans merci. Les enjeux n’ont jamais été si considérables et personne n’est en sécurité. Mais c’est Harry Potter qui peut être appelé pour l’ultime sacrifice alors que se rapproche l’ultime épreuve de force avec Voldemort.

Réalisateur(s) :
Scénariste(s) :
Genre(s) : Adventure,Family,Fantasy
Durée : 2 hs 10 minAnnée : 2011Langue(s) : English (United States)Couleur : ColorRatio : 2.39 : 1Sortie France : 2011-07-13Sortie US : 2011-07-11
Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2
Argentina - Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte (parte 2)
Australia - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
Belgium - Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort: 2ème partie
Brazil - Harry Potter e as Relíquias da Morte - Parte 2
Bulgaria - Хари Потър и даровете на смъртта: Част 2(Bulgarian)
50 more

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Canada - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
Canada - Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort: 2e partie
Chile - Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte (parte 2)
China - 哈利·波特与死亡圣器下
Colombia - Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte (parte 2)
Croatia - Harry Potter i darovi smrti 2. dio
Croatia - Harry Potter i Darovi smrti: 2. dio
Czech Republic - Harry Potter a Relikvie smrti - část 2
Denmark - Harry Potter og dødsregalierne - del 2
Ecuador - Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte - Parte 2
Egypt - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
Estonia - Harry Potter ja surma vägised: Osa 2
Finland - Harry Potter ja kuoleman varjelukset, osa 2
Finland - Harry Potter och dödsrelikerna, del 2
France - Harry Potter et les Reliques de la Mort : partie 2
Germany - Harry Potter und die Heiligtümer des Todes - Teil 2
Greece - O Harry Potter kai oi kliroi tou Thanatou: Meros 2o
Greece - Ο Χάρι Πότερ και οι κλήροι του θανάτου: Μέρος 2ο
Hong Kong - 哈利波特: 死神的聖物2
Hungary - Harry Potter és a Halál ereklyéi 2. rész
Iceland - Harry Potter og dauðadjásnin - 2. hluti
India - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
India - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
India - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
Indonesia - Harry Potter dan Relikui Kematian Bagian ke-2
Israel - Harry Potter veotzarot hamavet - helek 2
Italy - Harry Potter e i Doni della Morte - Parte 2
Japan - Harî Pottâ to shi no hihô: Part 2
Japan - ハリー・ポッターと死の秘宝 PART2
Kazakhstan - Гарри Поттер и Дары смерти: Часть II
Latvia - Harijs Poters un Nāves dāvesti: Otrā daļa
Lithuania - Haris Poteris ir mirties relikvijos. 2 dalis
Lithuania - Haris Poteris ir mirties relikvijos. 2 dalis 3D
Mexico - Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte (parte 2)
Netherlands - Harry Potter en de Relieken van de Dood: Deel 2
North Macedonia - Хари Потер и Реликвиите на смртта - 2 дел
Norway - Harry Potter og dødstalismanene - del 2
Peru - Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte (parte 2)
Philippines - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
Poland - Harry Potter i Insygnia Śmierci: Część II
Portugal - Harry Potter e os Talismãs da Morte: Parte 2
Romania - Harry Potter și Talismanele Morții: Partea a II-a
Russia - Гарри Поттер и Дары смерти: Часть II
Serbia - Хари Потер и Реликвије смрти, други део
Singapore - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
Slovakia - Harry Potter a Dary smrti 2.
Slovenia - Harry Potter in Svetinje smrti - 2. del
South Africa - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
South Korea - Haeri Poteowa jugeumui seongmul - 2bu
Spain - Harry Potter y las Reliquias de la Muerte: Parte 2
Acteurs :
Lord Voldemort
Professor Albus Dumbledore
Professor Severus Snape
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Bill Weasley
Fleur Delacour
Griphook /Professor Filius Flitwick
Bellatrix Lestrange
Death Eater
Gringotts' Guard
Aged Gringotts' Goblin
Helena Ravenclaw
Lucius Malfoy
Narcissa Malfoy
Draco Malfoy
Hogsmeade Death Eater
Hogsmeade Death Eater (as Benjamin Northover)
Aberforth Dumbledore
Ariana Dumbledore
Neville Longbottom
Seamus Finnigan
Lavender Brown
Padma Patil
Romilda Vane
Katie Bell
Cormac McLaggen
Dean Thomas (as Alfie Enoch)
Cho Chang
Screaming Girl
Ginny Weasley
Amycus Carrow
Alecto Carrow
Professor Minerva McGonagall
Professor Horace Slughorn
Pansy Parkinson (as Scarlett Byrne)
Gregory Goyle
Blaise Zabini
Twin Girl 1
Twin Girl 2
Professor Pomona Sprout
Madam Pomfrey
Kingsley Shacklebolt
Remus Lupin
Molly Weasley
Arthur Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Percy Weasley
Argus Filch
Pius Thicknesse
Nymphadora Tonks
Fenrir Greyback
Death Eater
Professor Sybil Trelawney
Young Lily Potter
Young Petunia Dursley
Young Severus Snape
The Sorting Hat (voice)
Young James Potter
Young Sirius Black
Lily Potter
James Potter
Baby Harry Potter
Rubeus Hagrid
Sirius Black
Death Eater
Death Eater
Death Eater
Death Eater
Death Eater
Death Eater
Death Eater
Albus Severus Potter - 19 Years Later
Lily Potter - 19 Years Later
James Potter - 19 Years Later (as William Dunn)
Astoria Malfoy - 19 Years Later
Scorpius Malfoy - 19 Years Later
Rose Weasley - 19 Years Later
Hugo Weasley - 19 Years Later
Death Eater in Gringotts (scenes deleted)
Death Eater
Student (uncredited)
Student (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Wizard Parent (uncredited)
Hogwarts Student (uncredited)
Gryffindor Student (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Snatcher (uncredited)
Wizard with Dog in Painting (uncredited)
Wizard Parent (uncredited)
Death Eater (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Death Eater (uncredited)
Dumbledore's Army Member /School Student (uncredited)
Oliver Wood (uncredited)
Snatcher (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Snatcher (uncredited)
Hogwarts Student (uncredited)
Slytherin Student (uncredited)
Snatcher (uncredited)
Snatcher (uncredited)
Commuter on Platform 133 /4 (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Bearded Wizard in Portrait (uncredited)
Gryffindor Student (uncredited)
Wizard Parent (uncredited)
Hogwarts Student (uncredited)
Wizard (uncredited)
Parent (uncredited)
Injured Ravenclaw Student (uncredited)
Hogwarts Student (uncredited)
Rionach O'Neal (uncredited)
Hogwarts Student (uncredited)
Gryffindor Student (uncredited)
Snatcher (uncredited)
Snatcher (uncredited)
Slytherin Student (uncredited)
Snatcher (uncredited)
Tom Marvolo Riddle (archive footage) (uncredited)
Gryffindor Student (uncredited)
Wizard Parent (uncredited)
Student (uncredited)
Death Eater (uncredited)
Wizard Parent (uncredited)
Death Eater (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Wizard Parent (uncredited)
Chief Snatcher (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Hogwarts Student (uncredited)
Death Eater (uncredited)
Augusta Longbottom (uncredited)
Wendy Slinkhard (uncredited)
Senior Gryffindor (uncredited)
Death Eater (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Wizard Parent (uncredited)
Death Eater (uncredited)
Young Girl in Epilogue (uncredited)
Hogwart's First Year Epilogue (uncredited)
Auror (uncredited)
Death Eater (uncredited)
Gryffindor Student (uncredited)
Professor Quirinus Quirrell (archive footage) (uncredited)
Hogwarts Student (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Dining Wizard in Painting (uncredited)
Baby of Dining Wizard Family in Portrait (uncredited)
Student (uncredited)
Hogwarts Student (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Wizard Parent (uncredited)
One-Legged Wizard (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Death Eater (uncredited)
Ravenclaw Senior (uncredited)
Death Eater (uncredited)
Death Eater (uncredited)
Death Eater (uncredited)
Slytherin Student (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Student (uncredited)
Wizard Teacher (uncredited)
Hufflepuff Student (uncredited)
Death Eater (uncredited)
Ravenclaw Student (uncredited)
Ministry Wizard (uncredited)
Death Eater (uncredited)
Hogwarts Student (uncredited)
Death Eater (uncredited)
Student (uncredited)
Wizard Parent (uncredited)
Gringotts Guard (uncredited)
Death Eater (uncredited)
Passenger (uncredited)
Slytherin Girl (uncredited)
Gryffindor Student (uncredited)
Teddy Lupin (uncredited)
Ravenclaw Student (uncredited)
Gryffindor Student (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Train Passenger (uncredited)
Hogwarts Student (uncredited)
Wizard Teacher (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Death Eater (uncredited)
Muggle /Wizard Parent (uncredited)
Death Eater (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Slytherin School Girl (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Death Eater (uncredited)
Snatcher (uncredited)
Hogwarts Student (uncredited)
Death Eater (uncredited)
Death Eater (uncredited)
Nurse Wainscott (uncredited)
Hogwarts Student (uncredited)
Snatcher (uncredited)
Hogwarts Teacher (uncredited)
Hogwarts Student (uncredited)
Student (uncredited)
Death Eater (uncredited)
Augustus Rookwood (uncredited)
Death Eater (uncredited)
Gryffindor Senior (uncredited)
Railway Station Porter (uncredited)
Hufflepuff Senior (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Engine Driver (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Gringotts Goblin (uncredited)
Knight of Hogwarts (uncredited)
Slytherin Student (uncredited)
Hogwarts Student (uncredited)
Death Eater (uncredited)
Hufflepuff Senior (uncredited)
Harry Potter et les Reliques de la Mort Part II

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Attention, vous laissez des commentaires sur le film et non sur la critique ou le site.
Tout commentaire injurieux, raciste ou déplacé sera supprimé par la rédaction.
D. - 18/07/2011 à 21:33
# 4

Sans vouloir être méchant, je trouve que cette critique se rapproche plus d'une description développée du film que d'une critique. Où sont les commentaires personnels ? Mis à part la note du film je n'ai pas bien cerné si il a été apprécié ... ou non.

LanLan - 18/07/2011 à 18:09
# 3

Si on prend justement l'exemple de Piranha 3D, pour l'avoir vu en projo presse avant sa sortie dans de supers conditions, je peux t'affirmer qu'il y avait une sacrée différence avec la fois où je l'ai revu dans la salle d'une grande chaîne, avec donc des lunettes différentes qui assombrissaient considérablement l'image.
Mais, je suis assez d'accord, la plupart du temps c'est pas nécessaire...

AurelCordier - 17/07/2011 à 02:03
# 2

J'ai vu le film dans un grand cinéma de Nancy je ne pense donc pas que le problème vienne de la. Cela dit je ne crache pas du tout sur le film qui reste très sympathique! Simplement je dit que la 3D sert uniquement de gadget. Comme dans pas mal de film pour le moment sauf un certain Avatar et en moindre mesure (sa ajoute du fun) dans Piranha 3D

LanLan - 16/07/2011 à 11:46
# 1

Je pense que la qualité de la 3D dépend vraiment de l'équipement de la salle et notamment des lunettes fournies.

Sa note: 8/10
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