DEF-CON 4 (1985)
Tandis que les astronautes de la station orbitale Nemesis orbitent autour de la Terre, la troisième guerre mondiale éclate dans un holocauste de fureur nucléaire. Des mois plus tard, le vaisseau spatial est forcé de rentrer sur Terre où il s'écrase. Sur cette pauvre planète ravagée par les radiations, l'équipage ne trouve que le désespoir, la maladie et le cannibalisme. Lorsqu'ils sont capturés par un groupe de survivants sadiques, les astronautes vont devoir livrer une bataille contre le temps, la contamination et l'annihilation nucléaire totale…
Titre original : DEFCON-4
Réalisateur(s) : Paul Donovan, Digby Cook (director: WWN news segment) (as Digby C Cook), Tony Randel (uncredited)
Scénariste(s) : Paul Donovan (written by)
Genre(s) : Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi
Durée : 1 h 28 minAnnée : 1985Pays : CanadaLangue(s) : EnglishCouleur : ColorRatio : 1.85 : 1Sortie US : 1985-03-15Autre(s) Titre(s) :
(original title) - DEFCON-4
Argentina - Condición de defensa 4
Australia - Def-Con 4
Brazil - Condição de Defesa(cable TV title)
Brazil - Defcon 4: Depois do Holocausto(TV Title)
Brazil - Depois do Fim do Mundo
if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentTop GapWhat is the English language plot outline for DEFCON-4 (1985)?AnswerSee more gapsLearn more about contributing
Canada - Defense Condition 4
Canada - Déf-con 4
Greece - Oi teleftaioi polemistes
Greece - Οι τελευταίοι πολεμιστές
Mexico - La última defensa de la Tierra
Soviet Union - Последняя надежда
Spain - Defcon 4
United Kingdom - DEFCON-4
United States - DEFCON-4
West Germany - Def-Con 4 - Das letzte Kommando
(original title) - DEFCON-4
Argentina - Condición de defensa 4
Australia - Def-Con 4
Brazil - Condição de Defesa(cable TV title)
Brazil - Defcon 4: Depois do Holocausto(TV Title)
Brazil - Depois do Fim do Mundo
if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentTop GapWhat is the English language plot outline for DEFCON-4 (1985)?AnswerSee more gapsLearn more about contributing
Canada - Defense Condition 4
Canada - Déf-con 4
Greece - Oi teleftaioi polemistes
Greece - Οι τελευταίοι πολεμιστές
Mexico - La última defensa de la Tierra
Soviet Union - Последняя надежда
Spain - Defcon 4
United Kingdom - DEFCON-4
United States - DEFCON-4
West Germany - Def-Con 4 - Das letzte Kommando
Acteurs :
Lenore Zann JJ
Maury Chaykin Vinny
Kate Lynch Jordan
Kevin King Gideon Hayes
John Walsch Walker
Tim Choate Howe
Jeff Pustil Lacey
Donna King Alice
Alan MacGillivray Boomer (as Allan MacGillivray)
Florence Paterson Mrs Boyd
Karen Kennedy WWN Newscaster (as Karen Kenedy)
Ken Ryan Newscaster
Geoff Harrington Vicious Trooper
Al Foster Oldster
Hugh Orr Squad Leader
Bruce Piercy Squad Leader /Trooper
Peter Falconer Boat Guard /Trooper
John Allen Trooper
Elaine Armstrong Trooper
Sam Bardon Trooper
Robert Billings Trooper
Edwin Cameron Trooper
Colin Campbell Trooper
Douglas Carrigan Trooper (as Doug Carrigan)
Paul Church Trooper
Shannon Eamon Trooper
Timothy Egan Trooper
Adam Foss Trooper
John Galloway Trooper
Kenneth Harrington Trooper
Garth Johnson Trooper
Rajeev Khokar Trooper
Clyde Lefort Trooper
Michael MacKinnon Trooper
Margaret MacQuarrie Trooper
Joanne Morehouse Trooper
Allison Outhit Trooper (as Alycon Outhit)
Tim Reed Trooper
Michael Roden Trooper
Douglas Scott Trooper
Andrew Short Trooper
David Sloan Trooper
Robert Speirs Trooper (as Robert Spiers)
Timothy Stewart Trooper (as Tim Stewart)
Jim Swansburg Trooper (as James R Swansburg)
Jim Liswell Furnace Operator
Ted Germaine First Hangman
Daniel Boudreault Second Hangman
Lenore Zann JJ
Maury Chaykin Vinny
Kate Lynch Jordan
Kevin King Gideon Hayes
John Walsch Walker
Tim Choate Howe
Jeff Pustil Lacey
Donna King Alice
Alan MacGillivray Boomer (as Allan MacGillivray)
Florence Paterson Mrs Boyd
Karen Kennedy WWN Newscaster (as Karen Kenedy)
Ken Ryan Newscaster
Geoff Harrington Vicious Trooper
Al Foster Oldster
Hugh Orr Squad Leader
Bruce Piercy Squad Leader /Trooper
Peter Falconer Boat Guard /Trooper
John Allen Trooper
Elaine Armstrong Trooper
Sam Bardon Trooper
Robert Billings Trooper
Edwin Cameron Trooper
Colin Campbell Trooper
Douglas Carrigan Trooper (as Doug Carrigan)
Paul Church Trooper
Shannon Eamon Trooper
Timothy Egan Trooper
Adam Foss Trooper
John Galloway Trooper
Kenneth Harrington Trooper
Garth Johnson Trooper
Rajeev Khokar Trooper
Clyde Lefort Trooper
Michael MacKinnon Trooper
Margaret MacQuarrie Trooper
Joanne Morehouse Trooper
Allison Outhit Trooper (as Alycon Outhit)
Tim Reed Trooper
Michael Roden Trooper
Douglas Scott Trooper
Andrew Short Trooper
David Sloan Trooper
Robert Speirs Trooper (as Robert Spiers)
Timothy Stewart Trooper (as Tim Stewart)
Jim Swansburg Trooper (as James R Swansburg)
Jim Liswell Furnace Operator
Ted Germaine First Hangman
Daniel Boudreault Second Hangman
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