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Kaufman Talks Plot Details For Fifth "TOXIC AVENGER"

By Oh My Gore ! on August 11, 2008

Kaufman Talks Plot Details For Fifth "TOXIC AVENGER"

Kaufman Talks Plot Details For Fifth TOXIC AVENGER Forget talk about a "TOXIC AVENGER" remake, it appears that Troma founder and director Lloyd Kaufman is planning a fifth entry to the cult franchise that started back in '86 when a local mop boy falls in a vat of toxic waste transforming him into the local superhero known as Toxie. You can read all the juicy details indie.

“Unlike Superman, who never seems to age, Toxie gets older with each movie,” Kaufman tells Fangoria. “In THE TOXIC AVENGER PARTs II-IV, he has gotten married and had children. Now he'll have to deal with his wife's menopause, his erectile dysfunction—which is a constant erection—and his rebellious kid. We're on to the next generation, like "STAR TREK". We'll see a little of Toxie's twins in kindergarten, and then as teenagers. The son is rebellious, while the daughter is ultra-politically correct. We'll show her going through puberty, which should be the most colorful monthly cycle ever put on film! We want to focus on the father/child relationship, and the generation gap. There is also a villain who wants to rename Tromaville Scheisseville..."

Kaufman plans on keeping it real when he brings Toxie back to the big (or small) screen.

"We want to be true to the citizens of Tromaville. But the series has always dealt with topical issues before other films would touch them. The original "TOXIC AVENGER" focused on chemical waste and dangers to the environment. Also, the important issue of head-crushing. We touched on that long before anyone else. Now everyone is getting on the head-crushing bandwagon! We want to keep things fresh and hip, because there is nothing hipper than an old Jew like myself with a bum hip.”

Knowing Troma, the film won't be done for another two years, with it sitting on shelves for another year or two after. I'd put this one out of mind for the time being.

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